

> 3000 total players

1000 - 2999 total players

500 - 999 total players

100 - 499 total players

< 99 total players

clip art football

Most NFL players

clip art basketball

Most NBA players

clip art hockey stick

Most NHL players

clip art baseball

Most MLB players

clip art runner

Most total players
per 100k residents

Professional Athletes (all time) By State

About the map

Zoom the map in more to see the sport icons line up with their correct city, or click them to learn more (pop-up)

You can click on each state to learn more about how many players they produce total, by sport, and how they rank against the average of total player produced by state.

The above map shows the total professional athletes each state has produced all time. It is broken into five different categories as seen by the legend above. California had the most athletes produced while Alaska had the least amount of athletes. I gathered my data from sports-reference child sites Pro-Football Reference, Basketball Reference, Hockey Reference, and Baseball Reference. The compiled data can be seen here.